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Wetzel, Nicole: Kunke, Dunja: Widmann, Andreas: Tablet PC use directly affects children's perception and attention. [2022]
Matthews, Natasha: Mattingley, J. B.: Dux, P. E.: Media-multitasking and cognitive control across the lifespan. [2022]
Al-Hazzaa, Hazzaa M.: Al-Awadhi, Balqees A.: Al-Dashti, Yousef A.: Alajmi, Fahhad A.: Almansour, Fawaz D.: Al-Haifi, Ahmed R.: Adolescent's self-reported weight and its association with media impact on decision to lose weight and body thinness perception. [2022]
Bergmann, Christina: Dimitrova, Nevena: Alaslani, Khadeejah: Almohammadi, Alaa: Alroqi, Haifa: u.a.: Young children's screen time during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 12 countries. [2022]
Martinot, Pauline: Bernard, Jonathan Y.: Peyre, Hugo: De Agostini, Maria: Forhan, Anne: u.a.: Exposure to screens and children's language development in the EDEN mother-child cohort. [2021]
Pouwels, J. Loes: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Beyens, Ine: van Driel, Irene I.: Keijsers, Loes: Some socially poor but also some socially rich adolescents feel closer to their friends after using social media. [2021]
Portugal, Ana Maria: Bedford, Rachael: Cheung, Celeste H. M.: Mason, Luke: Smith Tim J.: Longitudinal touchscreen use across early development is associated with faster exogenous and reduced endogenous attention control. [2021]
Beyens, Ine: Pouwels, J. Loes: van Driel, Irene I.: Keijsers, Loes: Valkenburg, Patti M.: The effect of social media on well-being differs from adolescent to adolescent. [2020]
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